On native Americans and blacks in America

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Essay Database > Society & Culture
'The United States was created by God as an asylum in which liberty, opportunity, and reward for achievement would prosper.'(2) So goes the 'American Myth' that attracted immigrants from around the globe to settle in this young nation, in search of a better life than the one they left behind. This myth was created by men like Toqueville; who's interpretation suggests that in America, everyone takes an active part in the government of society. …

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…his Declaration of Independence, Jefferson spoke of liberty, freedom, and equality; yet he considered the black man to be inferior to the white man. The man(Jefferson) could not make up his mind; he seemed to live in a state of confusion and fear, as did many people of his time. The fear of economic loss was constant; the fear of a black revolt was questionable- the theory of racial inferiority justified protection against both.