On-line Recruiting - This paper was an assesment in which I was to asses an online recruitment service
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Words: 974
Pages: 4
(approximately 235 words/page)
Pages: 4
(approximately 235 words/page)
Essay Database > Business & Economy
The most significant change facing job seekers today is the introduction of on-line recruiting services. With the Internet becoming a way of life, it is natural that it would start making waves in the recruiting world. This paper addresses the advantages and disadvantages of online recruiting. Some simple rules for trouble free and confidential use, and how the Internet can provide greater exposure for individuals and companies. In addition, this paper will discuss my
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of the web site to develop and post a resume was configured as a simple form and easy to use. The only question I have, and did not investigate, is how secure is the site? Can anyone pretending to be a perspective employer acquire the work history, addresses, and the phone numbers of people using this site? Until I find the answer to this question, I do not intend to take advantage of the site.
of the web site to develop and post a resume was configured as a simple form and easy to use. The only question I have, and did not investigate, is how secure is the site? Can anyone pretending to be a perspective employer acquire the work history, addresses, and the phone numbers of people using this site? Until I find the answer to this question, I do not intend to take advantage of the site.