On Human Rights in The Lottery and The Hangman

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Essay Database > Law & Government > International
Human Rights Human rights are something that everyone deserves. Unfortunately, in various parts of the world, basic human rights are denied. That is why it is important to defend the rights of those who cannot speak for themselves. Two pieces of literature that demonstrate how people should defend themselves are The Hangman, a poem by Maurice Ogden and The Lottery, a short story by Shirley Jackson. In The Lottery, a small town somewhere in the …

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…life was in danger. If a group had attempted to stop the Hangman, he could have possibly been driven away and many lives saved, but this was not the case. The Hangman and The Lottery can both be taken as social commentary. People must not sit idly while others suffer. If a blind eye is turned towards those in need and no help given, there shall be no aid in return when it is needed.