Olympics: Ancient and Modern

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
The Ancient and Modern Olympic Games The Olympics first developed in ancient Greece nearly three thousand years ago. This ancient idea of sporting events was once celebrated as great festivals that the Greeks held in honor of their gods, most importantly to the father of all gods, Zeus.(Olympic History, 1) Every four years male athletes from all over the Greek world gathered at the games to demonstrate their spirit and athletic ability at the sacred …

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…as the Olympic festival? Aren't you scorched there by ther fierce heat? Aren't you crushed in the crowd? Isn't it difficult to freshen yourself up? Doesn't the rain soak you to the skin? Aren't you bothered by the noise, the din and other nuisances? But it seems to me that you are well able to bear and indeed gladly endure all these, when you think of gripping spectacles that you will see." (Festivals, 226) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**