Olympic games

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Pages: 7
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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Olympics were games of sportsmanship, rivalry, and skill. Though the competition has changed over the years the spirit remains the same. This tradition remains one of celebration, religion, and of honor. Many cultures and countries are brought together during this time and share each other dreams and goals. Many have forgotten where the ancient games originated. Records of those who played in Ancient Greece were lost. Fighters and champions were looked upon as gods. …

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…years to compete against each other to show which man or woman want the gold medal the most. Each athlete spends most of their life preparing for such a chance to prove themselves in competition. Much respect and sheer amazement is held as a person watches the feats performed at each event. Olympiads are truly a prime example of how a human can push and train the body into rare and flawless form. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**