Oliver twist (short)

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Oliver twist He was born in workhouse; his mom died when she was holding him. She was not married; she didn't have a ring in her finger. No one could look after the baby in the workhouse, so Oliver was sent to a baby farm. Since they didn't give them much food, Oliver grew up to be a nine year old pale, thin and short for his age. On Oliver's ninth birthday Mr. Bumble the …

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…fallen in love with a young woman but had died before marring her. The woman had a younger sister who was Rose. Her father had died when she was young. Oliver's father had left him money but Monks wanted it all. Monks was released Oliver gave him half of his money. He left to another part of the world he was in prison got ill and died. Mr. Browlow adopted Oliver. Rose married Harry Maylie.