"Oliver Twist".

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Oliver Twist plunges the reader into an uncomfortably unromantic world where people are starving to death, children are killed off by their keepers, the innocent suffer, and the cruel and exploitative prosper. Despite the horrifying accounts of reality, Dickens also portrayed a different kind of world. He portrayed several people capable of great compassion. Mrs. Bedwin, Rose Maylie, and Nancy all exemplified compassion for others through their care for the misfortunate and down-trodden. Mrs. Bedwin …

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…dead, just as she had offered to be, for helping to save Oliver from his unfortunate life. In the ultimate form of compassion, Nancy sacrificed her well-being and her life to get Oliver out of the life which had burdened Nancy. In Oliver Twist, Charles Dickens portrayed several characters with unyielding compassion and kindness. Mrs. Bedwin, Rose Maylie, and Nancy all saw someone struck by misfortune, and gave of themselves to lift them out of