Oliver Twist- Charles Dickens. How does Charles Dickens expose Victorian society's awful treatment of children of the poor?

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The treatment of the poor in Victorian times were terrible. The poor were incredibly poor, with no housing or enough money to support their families, unlike today, where poor means buying economy products instead of brand names. In Victorian England the pace of industrialisation was such that there was a large gap between the poor and the rich and the poor had hardly any rights at all. In Dickens novel, Oliver Twist, he shows how …

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…showed this by Fagin constantly reminding them that they couldn't leave. Children in 1900s Britain were treated with neglect, dismissal and with no affection, sympathy or care. Children were enlisted into crime, they were made to work, and they were forced into workhouses and mostly lived in poverty. Charles Dickens thought that the Poor Law Amendment Act and slave labour was wrong and so he wrote Oliver Twist and other novels to show his feelings.