Olive Juice Tastes Great to Everyone

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
This essay is about whether or not the mentally challenged can lead and live full happy lives. It is based on the movie, The Other Sister(Marshall, 1999 USA). It focuses on the role of Carla Tate and Daniel McMann. It also gives references to personal knowlegde, experiences and beliefs about the happiness of a mentally challenged person. Olive Juice Tastes Great to Everyone Have you ever seen the movie The Other Sister (Marshall, 1999 USA)? It …

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…little love story; it brought a tear to my eye at the end of the movie. I enjoyed the other issues the movie dealt with such as homophobia and alcoholism. It promotes equality in many ways and encourages forgiveness to sins/mistakes of all kinds. I have seen this movie more times than I can count on one hand and would definitely recommend it for viewing on a first date or with a close friend.