'Old age and death are especially subject to social taboo in contemporary society?' Explain why this is the case

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Old age and death are especially subject to social taboo in contemporary society?' Explain why this is the case It may be useful to first define the two main terms that will be studied. The first term is death; the Collins Dictionary defines death as the 'end of life'. Clinically this defined as there is a lack of heartbeat and breathing along with lack of central nervous system function which includes reflex activity and …

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…afterlife (1992) Hunt, S., Death and Dying (lecture notes) Hunt, S., A Sociology of the Life Course; Continuities and Change, Chapter 14 Electronic Book Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth, On Death an Dying, Tavistock Publications, 1973, reprinted 1981 Loether, Herman J., Problems of Aging Sociological and Social Psychological Perspectives, Dickenson Publishing Company (1967) Turner, B.S. Medical Power and Social Knowledge (2nd ed) Sage, London (1995) Walter, T. (edited by Donna Dickenson and Malcolm Johnson) Death, Dying & Bereavement Sage, London (1993) Word Count; 2,948