Oil prices nad where found in Canada

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
Teacher asked write about a Canadian resource Oil For a while Oil prices have been going up and down for almost fifty-four years. This has been a bad thing for the Canadian and American stock markets and people that heat their home with Oil. The prices have been good from 1950 to 1973 when they were only $15.00 per barrel. At the end of the Vietnam War the price for oil soared to its highest peak at $60.00 per …

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…amp;lt;Tab/>Northwest Territories<Tab/><Tab/>3% 6.<Tab/>Manitoba<Tab/><Tab/><Tab/>1.4% 7.<Tab/>Ontario<Tab/><Tab/><Tab/>0.5% 8.<Tab/>Quebec, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Nunavut, Yukon and New Brunswick.