Oil Spill Threatens in Galapagos

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Please E-mail me if you use this report. In addition if you have an questions or comments themacman2002@yahoo.com Oil Spill Threatens in Galapagos On January 16th a tanker carrying 243,000 gallons of oil, ran aground near the Galapagos Islands. This terrible event spread oil slicks over 488 square miles, and has potential to cause serious irreparable harm, to this historic chain of islands. In addition to endangering many precious species, the human population in this …

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…oil spill is terrible, but when one happens in such a historic and respected area, I think it should serve as a wake up call. The death of all these animals and the environmental damage are appalling. In the future we can only hope for better preemptive measures to ensure that this can be avoided. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** Oil Spill Threatens in Galapagos. Excite News/Associated Press, January 23, 2001. http://home-nes.excite.com/printstory/nes/ap/010123/01/news-galapagos-threat