Often people try to consider the main reasons why people commit crimes.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
<Tab/>Often people try to consider the main reasons why people commit crimes. All types of people commit crimes and for different reasons. Crime is unavoidable, and there are no places in the world that crime does not exist. These places would be perfect places and there are no perfect places in this world. Many times people think that crimes are done by "bad" people or people who are poor and …

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…them they don't have a choice; they believe that they will have nothing and no one if they don't have a stronger physical appearance for men. The women who have the genital mutilations will be blackballed from society if they don't allow the mutilations to happen. Women of this country and others believe that if they don't have perfect bodies they will never reach a level of happiness that they would be comfortable living at.