Of what use is knowledge of the social psychology of group behavior to the theory and practice of contemporary HRM? Illustrate with examples.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
The behaviour of groups have important consequences for management and are important because of the potential impact of group behaviour on organisational performance, this is the primary concern of HRM theory and practice. This essay examines how organisations are utilizing and harnessing groups and looks at culture, leadership, norms, cohesiveness, size, change ....and the problems of conformity, social loafing and conflict. This essay looks at aspects of behaviour that are prevalent in all groups and …

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…its important to look at notions of roles because roles can cause serious conflict and create high levels of ambiguity. Groups affect the attitudes, perceptions, motivations and behaviour of its members, thus the behaviour of groups has important consequences for management. Social psychology has educated managers understanding of employee behaviour through group norms. Overall it can be argued that social psychology has not developed in a way that makes its findings readily accessible to managers.