"Of mice and men" by Steinbeck, a novel which explores the burdens of responsibility as much as it awards.

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By evaluating the novel of mice and men carefully I have found that every character in the novel has a facet of life that consists of burdens and responsibilities. The characters in the novel basically have three options in which they can live their lives. They can knuckle down, work hard, keep a positive frame of mind and try earnestly to improve their standard of living. An example of this is would be George Milton …

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…perspective this style of writing is quite ingenuitive because the main characters set out with a goal and when they manage to grasp a fragment of it they wither away or die. This is as if their purpose in the story has been served. Their services are no longer needed to help get the message across that life can either be a responsibility of burdens or a rewards full of responsibilities. English Work Requirement year 10