"Of Mice and Men". The question is how does John Steinbeck tackle social issues in the novel through the use of Crooks. Includes direct quotations from the book.

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Of Mice and Men In the novel, Of Mice and Men, the author, John Steinbeck, takes a strong stance against many social issues. Steinbeck voices his opinions on controversial rights such as women's rights and the treatment of migrant workers. One of the main points that Steinbeck addresses is his dislike for the treatment of African-Americans. He expresses his views through the hardship and turmoil of Crooks, the only African-American character in the novel. Crooks …

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…future because of his race. His peers constantly harass him because of his skin color. Also, the environment that he lives in is degrading and the turmoil he is forced to endure is unheard of. Crooks is not even considered human by most people on the ranch. Through all the hardships he faces, Crooks even loses his hope for the future. Through the discrimination of Crooks by his fellow workers, Crooks becomes a broken man.