Of Mice and Men 7

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Essay Database > Literature > English
CHARACTERIZATION George is a small man with strong arms and a small bony nose. He takes care of his friend Lennie and tdes to keep him out of trouble. They travel from job to job and save their money in hopes to buy their own farm. Lennie is just the opposite of George. He is a big man with large pale eyes, wide shoulders and walks kind of gaudy as a bear might walk. Lennie …

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…aggravation he caused himself. George believed that Lennie was just trouble for himself and him included. George could not deal with the responsibility of caring for Lennie anymore, so he went to the place he told Lennie to go in case he got into trouble and found him there, orge's loving feeling towards Lennie changed drastically, so he killed him in hopes to spare him from Cudey and the other men.features. He has slender