Of Mice and Men 5

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
True Friendship In the book Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, the characters George Milton and Lennie Small work their way through many hardships, but one would never think that the relationship they had could end. The book is a reality check of two different characters living their life, when an enormous shook occurs at the end of the book. When George shoots Lennie, one could say it is not out of anger but …

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…tell him the dream. He obviously has a heart to make sure that Lennie dies with decency. 'George shivered and looked at the gun, and then he threw it' (106). So in the long run, one might assume that it was the right thing for George to shoot Lennie. In conclusion, instead of thinking of George as a narrow-minded character, one can see that he is a meaningful person who cares a lot about his confidant.