Of Mice and Men

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, is a moving novella portraying the inherent lives of two close friends. The novella was a success and eventually a movie was produced, directed by Gary Sinise. The endings of the novella and movie have numerous similarities and differences. These similarities and differences are noteworthy and warrant discussion. A significant difference can be noted regarding Lennie, a main character who is mentally challenged. At the end of the …

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…any fear. This event was the most significant part in the novella and Sinise chose to keep that for the movie too. Of Mice and Men, the novella and movie, were both powerful in their dialogue and gripping. The novella and movie had many similarities and differences that made them each unique in their own way. Furthermore, they both were enthralling and were a tale of loneliness, prejudice and most importantly, a friendship ending tragically.