"Of Love and Other Demons", by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

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Love is a sacred thing, yet also a terrible demon. Without love we can't survive. When people give one another love it gives them strength and confidence in themselves. Of Love and Other Demons, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez is about a twelve-year-old girl, Sierva Maria, who has the absence of love. She is bitten by a dog and is thought to be possessed. She is sent to a convent where Father Cayetano is her exorcist. …

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…it forever. You eventually loose it and have to keep on living. Love is a powerful sensation and sometimes it's so strong that it's impossible to live without. Maria knew that she could never be loved the way Cayetano loved her again. Maria and Father Cayetano had a very strong relationship. There love was too powerful to be true. Love is what kept Maria, as well as the novel going. Without love there is nothing.