OedipusThe Tragic Hero

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Oedipus: The Tragic Hero (#3) In "Oedipus the King," Sophocles concocts one of the most famous and intricate characters of Greek drama. A tragic hero, Oedipus' desire for self-discovery and understanding inevitably leads to his tragic downfall. In the end, it can be seen that Oedipus' tragic flaw is his own determination and persistence. Oedipus is a leader. He thrives on power and thirsts for control. It is interesting to note, however, that Oedipus does not …

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…and eventually pays for his wrongdoing through his own punishment. Though Oedipus is guilty, his self-banishment relieves his guilt and redeems his character. Throughout the drama, Oedipus relentlessly strives to discover two seemingly polar entities: the murderer of Laius, and his own true identity. In the end of his tragic downward spiral of truth, however, Oedipus discovers their equality. Oedipus' own seemingly beneficial characteristic of determination inevitably causes his tragic fall from dignity and grace.