"Oedipus the king" summary

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Oedipus former King of Thebes - Tragedy runs in the family Here is a quick re-cap of the tragic life of the former king. An oracle prophesied to Laius, the king of Thebes, that he would be killed by his son and that his son would marry his mother. Shocked by such a prophesy, the king and queen left their first son to die on a mountain, however the baby was found by a passing …

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…be sanctified by holy rites, and it will lay unburied to be the food of carrion animals" However he then followed to say; "Eteocles will be honored" Creon wants Polyneices ill fate to be an example to any other traitor. However there is some concern that the public may object the right of interfering in the passing of the soul to the underworld. Eteocles's burial will commence this Friday morning at Thebe's central burial grounds.