Oedipus the King, issues in morality

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Sigmund Freud stated the play Oedipus the King is an immoral play and sets aside the individual's responsibility and social law. Freud also states that divine forces in the play are partly to blame for the immoral conduct of the characters. This is not an accurate statement. Oedipus the King is not immoral because the main character, Oedipus, did not intend to do wrong. Oedipus's ignorance about his lineage prevents him from knowing that the …

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…would not have demonstrated this guilt and remorse. Oedipus had a distinct sense of good and evil. His unlawful actions were not premeditated or intentional. Because his intentions were always to do what he felt to be correct, it is obvious that he had high moral values. Oedipus's ignorance of his true parents protects him from immorality. Making mistakes and suffering the consequences of them does not make one immoral, it simply makes them human.