Oedipus the King

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Oedipus the King Throughout history there have been many great tragedies written. To better understand a tragedy one must first know the rules of a tragedy. In every story or play there must be a noble hero, who inturn has a tragic flaw. The time period of most tragedies is within a twenty-four hour period and teaches an important lesson. Something bad, that causes chaos, happens to the hero to change the route of the …

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…of best of the ancient Greek tragedies. The story line and plot are so dramatic that the reader gets caught up in the action. From the time the play opens to the last scene every part fits all the characteristics of a tragedy. Sophocles wrote this play with these intentions in mind. Oedipus is the ideal tragic hero. With his noble blood and brutal temper, he makes the story interesting in every aspect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**