Oedipus the King - Summary and Analysis of first three sections.

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Section 1 Summary "XPlague in Thebes and the only way to get rid of it is to find who the murderer of Laius is. "XOedipus curses the person who killed Laius-himself "XCastigates the citizens of Thebes for letting the murderer go unknown so long. "XChorus suggests Oedipus talks to Teresias and he sends someone to find and bring him there. Analysis "XOedipus compassion, sense of justice, his swiftness of thought and action, and his candor. "XDramatic …

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…Apollo. Analysis "XWe see that Oedipus logically and earnestly pursues the truth when he does not have a preconceived idea of what the truth is. "XIn this section, Jocasta is both careless and maternal. "XShe confuses conclusions and evidences. "XJocasta's casual attitude upsets the Chorus which continues to be loyal to Oedipus throughout this section. "XThe Chorus has been miserable, desperate for the plague to end and for stability to be restored to the city.