"Oedipus rex" by Sophocles.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
"Oedipus rex demonstrates that people ultimately have little control over their own lives" Do you agree? A common debate that still rages today is whether we as a species have free will or if some divine source, some call it fate, controls our destiny. To have control over something is to rule and be able manage it. The same debate applies to Oedipus the King. Oedipus is in control of his actions, but ultimately the …

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…fate, you don't get a choice in the path you take its just meant to be. Ultimately, Oedipus' real mistake isn't killing his father and marrying his mother, it's trying to go against the gods and fate. There are many different theories regarding fate, free will and influence and there is no right answer the best we can do is try and make the right choice and deal with its consequences whatever they may be.