Oedipus and King Lear

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Characters That Reveal the "Whole of Reality" In Sophocles' Oedipus the King, Kalidasa's Sakuntala and the Ring of Recollection, and Shakespeare's King Lear, there are characters that help the hypothetical figure see the "whole of reality". In Oedipus the King the characters Jocasta and Tiresias allow Oedipus realize his tragic flaw. The same can be said of Kent in King Lear. Also, in Sakuntala and the Ring of Recollection the ring that was given to …

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…have been found. These figures are crucial to the plot of the play. They help to reveal the flaws of the main characters to the audience, and symbolize the truth. Without these crucial characters the "whole of reality" may have never been revealed. Bibliography Works Cited Sophocles. Oedipus the King. New York: Oxford University Press, 1978. Kalidasa. Sakuntala and the Ring of Recollection. Penguin Books. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 28 June 1999.