Oedipus and Hamlet

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Oedipus and Hamlet are two very well known characters in literature. They both stand out in a reader's mind through their actions, conflicts, strengths, and weaknesses. A reader becomes involved more in the action through these two characters. They allow us, the reader, to gain a greater sense of the stories plot. In many ways these characters hold similar traits to one another but the one that stands out most in my mind is their …

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…one is strong and intelligent yet they both, under the influence of their fathers, end their life in death and misery over the facts and truths that both discover. These two characters were left to suffer for their father's decisions. Their strong power over their sons, no matter if it was direct as in Hamlet, or indirect as seen in Oedipus, eventually corrupt their lives and the lives of the people Hamlet and Oedipus love.