Oedipus The Architect

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Oedipus The Architect ?For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.? Newton?s first law. In other words, there are consequences, be they good or bad, for everything we do. A person?s character, defined by the qualities they display, is what guides their actions. If Oedipus? character is responsible for his actions and the consequences of his actions represent his tragedy, then his character, or character flaws are responsible for the tragedy. …

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…needed to be to commit his acts of tragedy. His short temper led him to lash out at those who sought to help him, turning them against him. Finally his stubbornness made him, against the advice of those around him, push until the truth of his crime against Laius and of his relation to both Laius and Jocasta, came out. These three qualities in combination would bring tragedy to anyone under any set of circumstances.