Oedipus Rex writeen by Sophocles and translated by Robert Fitzgerald. It is about two ways to interpret a passage.

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Oedipus at Colonus is the story of the last day in the life of Oedipus. After many year of wandering, Oedipus arrives in a grove outside Athens and understands that this is the place he would die. Theseus, king of Athens and its surroundings, promises to give Oedipus the right to be buried in Colonus and to protect his secret burial place. More than that, Theseus brings back Oedipus' daughters who were abducted by Creon. …

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…angry at the people who betrayed him. He is not trying to be a father figure that forgives the human weaknesses of his son and others. He thinks that these weaknesses will continue to destroy lives, but he feels that he can't change it or help in any way. He is trying to comfort himself with the love of his daughters and the noble deeds of Theseus, and with that he is going to die.