Oedipus Rex by Sophocles.

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
The play Oedipus Rex by Sophocles may be viewed as a Greek tragic drama as it involves the downfall of a tragic hero, in this case Oedipus. This play contains all the hallmarks of a Greek drama by engaging the audience and relating them to the characters. It involves the overbearing hubris and hamartia, cleansing of the catharsis, and dramatic irony. The contrast of the protagonist at the beginning and end of the play show …

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…play. Ironically, Oedipus has the insight to answer the "famous riddle" but is bind to his deeds until the very end. Oedipus the King contains all the distinguishing features of an ancient Greek tragic drama, and consequently can be viewed as one. The fall from grace of the protagonist signifies it is a tragedy, and the hamartia, hubris and catharsis, along with peripeteia and the chorus indicate it is a drama of Ancient Greek origin.