Oedipus Rex Tragic

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Oedipus has a "tragic flaw" that leads to his demise, and efforts to attribute one to him to him seem forced . In his quest to uncover the truth and rid Thebes of the plague, he exhibits all the heroic qualities that made him the savior of Thebes during the Sphinx's reign of terror. Oedipus as a victim of a fate he could not control. He had enormous control over the events of his "destiny" through …

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…a universal message and that is not to tamper with predetermined destiny that the 'gods' set us. However in Oedipus' case it is his ARROGANCE!! That gets him into the mess. It a question at the time the play was written and it seems to be questioned now and that is there some kind of divine power or is our lives purely ruled by our selves? Do we control ours' destiny. Bibliography Oedipus Rex Play