Oedipus Rex 6

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Oedipus Rex represents one of the greatest tragedies ever written. A classical style tragedy contains six main elements within a plot. These sequences are the exposition, the rising action, the climax, the falling action and finally, the catastrophe. Oedipus Rex begins with the exposition. The exposition usually takes place in the beginning of the story and it sets up the rest of the plot. This is usually where the audience is introduced the dramatic conflict …

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…walking with the aid of a stick, himself acting out the riddle of the sphinx. Oedipus Rex, regarded by many, the greatest of all Greek tragedies displays great skill in its balancing of action, characters, and philosophical content into a smooth and flawless tragedy. The story flowed brilliantly from the beginning of the exposition where we first learn about the Laius death all the way up to the final scene where Oedipus is taken away.