Oedipus Rex

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The greek playwright, Sophocles, was born around 496 B.C., and died in 406 B.C. During his life, he wrote many plays, one of which was Oedipus. Sophocles was the first dramatist to add the third actor to the play. Actors were able to perfrom many different parts, but the play was limited to only three actors and the chorus. (Literature, page 1065) The downfall of Oedipus transpired due to the tragic flaw of his character. Oedipus …

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…truth it struck him hard and he realized everything was now falling apart. Oedipus had character flaws that led to his downfall. His temper, his arrogant pride, and his complusive need to know the truth drove him to destruction. His search for justice ended up with him finding out the truth that was very inconceivable to him. It pushed him over the edge, and there was no way for him to escape from his mistakes.