Oedipus Characteristics

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Essay Database > Literature > English
At one time in our lives there is a moment that we may think of ourselves as better than someone or something else. There may also be a point when making a decision leads to a great error in judgment. In the play Oedipus the King, written by Sophocles, both of these characteristics can be seen in the main character. These characteristics are known as tragic flaws. These flaws are excess pride, leading to overconfidence, …

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…characteristics of character and fate are what bring the destruction and downfall to the main character and tragic hero. The tragic hero in this play is quick to anger and quick to come to judgment. He is also ignorant and doubts the power of the gods. Looking at these examples, it is seen that the tragic hero falls because of his tragic flaws, his very own actions, and his inability to change his own fate.