Oedipus- Fate or Choice

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Companies
Humans have slowly evolved from of belief that their existence was dictated by the gods to a belief that they, themselves, can make free choices. This transition is seen by Sophocles and such he writes Oedipus the King as a way of showing such a transition though not so much as The Orestia (Sophocles 136). Oedipus the King brings into light the clash of both ideas: fate versus choice. After Oedipus find outs that he is …

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…agonies - these, my pains on pains! But the hand that struck my eyes was mine, mine alone - no one else - I did it all myself!" (Sophocles 241). Not only is Oedipus saying that he physically caused the pain onto himself but that through his choices he made, he brought upon a curse that he and his family will leave with. Apollo had prophesized it, but Oedipus had chosen the path towards the prophecy