"Odyssey" by Homer.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
One of the most famous Greek poets of all time is Homer. He was the inventor of the Homeric simile. He is the writer of two well known epic poems "Iliad" and "Odyssey". His work has been preserved orally for many generations until it was finally written down. He was one of the preservers of Greek culture and history. Although his poems weren't always accurate and were corrupted over time, they are some of the …

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…entertain but also teach values and culture. These poems have been valuable part of literature all through out time. Citation 1.<Tab/>Andrew Lang. Homer and the Epic. Longmans Green, 1910. 2.<Tab/>Andrew Lang. The World of Homer. Longmans Green, 1910. 3.<Tab/>http://darkwing. uoregon. edu/~joelja/odyssey. html 4.<Tab/>Margalit Finkelberg. The Birth of Literary Fiction in Ancient Greece. Clarendon Press, 1998