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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
Odyssey The Odyssey by Homer is an epic poem that has been a significant piece of literature since it was first composed and will remain so for ages to come. One of the reasons is because of the hero, Odysseus. The other reason is because this epic poem teaches values. The most important one is bravery. The reason Odysseus is able to escape Cyclops and Spirits from Hades is because he is brave. He is …

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…help a friend or a family member. Bravery was always honored, it is still honored today, and it will be honored forever. That is why we should not be afraid to be brave and to show it in public. Odysseus is the bravest hero in Greek Mythology and he is the most famous one because he teaches us that bravery is the light that leads us toward our destiny, no matter what our destiny is.