Odysseus Unmasks

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July 7, 2000 Odysseus Unmasks In Robert Fitzgerald's translation of the Odyssey, many scenes exist that parallel, predict, and contrast each other in various ways. For example, the self-revelation scene in book IX from line 548 to line 592 where Odysseus announces his name to the Kyklopes, and also in book XXII from line 36 to line 84 when he reveals his identity to the suitors in his great hall. These two scenes closely relate to one another in both similar …

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…Odysseus' adversaries respond to his identity, and in the portrayal of the theme concerning the glory of battle. Homer very clearly uses these self-revelation scenes to develop strength and confidence in the Odysseus character, while still presenting some interesting differences in such a seemingly similar pair of scenes. Work Cited Homer. The Odyssey. 1999. Translated. Robert Fitzgerald. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Bibliography Homer. The Odyssey. 1999. Translated. Robert Fitzgerald. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.