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Essay Database > Literature
In Homer's "The Odyssey" Odysseus gets punished many times for offending the gods. With each offense the gods unleash an attack upon him or his men that sets his voyage back, further delaying him from his final destination, home. Some may criticize Odysseus for being so foolish to offend the gods, but Odysseus is not at fault for the blasphemy that the gods suffer. Either it is not Odysseus' fault or he is just trying …

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…the Kyklops his name as he made his escape. Though this is foolish of Odysseus, he can not be blamed just for pointing out his name. If Polyphemos never attacked him and killed his men he would never have been fault of giving his name to the Kyklops. In a case like this Odysseus had no choice but to offend the gods simply to save his life, and can not be blamed for doing so.