Odysseus- The Man Skilled in All Ways of Contending (from the Odyssey by Homer)

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
In The Odyssey by Homer, the character Odysseus proves his resourcefulness and intelligence. He uses this cleverness throughout the book in his adventures, proving his peira, or worth, since he is an epic hero. He is known by all, including the gods, for his cleverness. On the island of Kalypso, Odysseus proves that he is faithful to his wife and also clever in how he addresses Kalypso. Kalypso begs him in Book 5 to stay with …

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…all"(p. 61) This shows that he is resourceful and knows when he and his men are being tricked. He is smart to know about hospitality, as he later asks the river god for hospitality. Throughout the book, Odysseus proves that he is strong, not just physically, but also has the mental strength to make smart decisions. He proves he is tactful in his way of speaking. He is a truly epic hero in all ways.