Occasional speech for my dad. it will be useful index...

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We're gathered here today at the plaza hotel, having had a fabulous dinner and the few odd drinks as well, to celebrate a man our father who has now experienced sixty years in this hemisphere. He has many hobbies and interest, likes swimming, hiking and classical music. Now he likes golf more than I do. The first time, I had to convince him to play golf with me. Now his golf club is worn out …

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…businessman someday. Believe me". I don't think he has an easy life like other people. However, I believe a lot of humbleness and mistakes made him more stronger and successful businessman. He's been a great provider and kind of father who put his family first. Now let us all make a toast, let's be formal. So all please rise. "To dad, happy sixty birthday". Raise your glasses "to the greatest father in all the world"