Obsession in "Wuthering Heights"

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
The word obsession is defined in the dictionary as: "a compulsive, often unreasonable idea or emotion." The novel "Wuthering Heights", is a story about love turned obsession. An obsession that leads the characters to be impulsive, vindictive, jealous and stupid. These obsessions run and ruin the lives of all the characters in Wuthering Heights. Their extreme passions have direct effects on the lives of others, and carry over into other generations. First of all, there …

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…forces Nelly the housekeeper to tell him all about him, despite the hours that have passed. His loneliness leads him to pursue this obsession. In conclusion, in this novel love and obsession are interconnected. The love between Catherine and Heathcliff runs all through the story, and that love is the reason for Heathcliff's obsession to have his revenge. Their obsession for each other leads into anger, jealousy, and impulsive decisions that effect everyone around them