Nurture As It Relates To Development

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
For someone to understand how nurture is related to development, it must first be defined. Nurture is a general term for all the environmental influences that affect development after an individual is conceived. It is a parents love and affection that provide the nurturing that develops us into the kind of person's we become, everything that influences our life is caused by nurture. Nurture contributes to the development of mental health and mental illness. The …

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…or for the bad. So, nurture is related to development through our behavior. Even in our mother's womb, we react to the environment around us. We learn from our surroundings that prepare us for the new environment we are born into. With parents help and guidance, it is nurture that has the final decision on the person we become, and it is up to us as to how we survive in our ever changing environment.