Nuclear Weapons.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Military
In its attempts to harness the power of the atom, mankind has itself in the possession of weapons with unbelievable, destructive power. Nations now have the ability to destroy entire cities from hundreds of miles away, in only minutes. These weapons are nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons cost the citizens of the United States billions of dollars in taxes each year, the testing and maintenance of these weapons pose serious health risks, and the actual need …

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…them, including the citizens of the United States. There has not been a significant impact on world affairs by nuclear weapons since World War II. For these reasons, I feel that the United States should reduce its nuclear arsenal. Bibliography 1) Cameron, Kevin. 'Taking Apart the Bomb.' Popular Science. April 1993: 64-70. 2) 'Nuclear Weapons.' Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia. 1995 ed. 3) Schwartz, Stephen, Project Director. 'The U.S. Nuclear Cost Study Project.' Prodigy Web Browser. started in 1994