Nuclear Weapons and the Affects on Society

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Essay Database > History
--Why they are vital to the defense of the United States English 1 Honors 24 May 2002 Nuclear Weapons and the Affects on Society Nuclear weapons are very essential to modern society: they provide a common security against the erratic countries in turmoil, and terrorist nations. However, modern society shuns this idea as common acceptance because of the dangers that can result from using these gargantuan means to protect ourselves. The risk involved, it seems is much too …

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…strong resistance to the United States that other countries have, and the instability of the general structure that the globe is based upon. Modern United States society tends to shun nuclear weapons due to the huge damage that they can cause on both sides; the side using the weapon, and the side hit by the weapon. These aspects lead people to believe that nuclear weapons are needed but impact modern society on a great scale.