Nuclear Tension in South Asia

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Pages: 12
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The relationship between India and Pakistan has been dominated by a bitter rivalry. After partition in 1947, millions of citizens moved to their new homes in either the Islamic state of Pakistan or the Secular state of India. After only two weeks of independence, India and Pakistan fought a Religious war over the land now known as Kashmir (Please see Appendix 1). The two countries have fought two more wars, in 1965 and 1971, with the final battle resulting …

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…are willing to negotiate and sign the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty after suffering economic sanctions and reproach by the international community. India still wants to maintain a minimum deterrent capability, mainly because of China; whether or not their arsenal will be a feasible deterrent against China is questionable. Although India was condemned for its nuclear testing in 1998, it did somewhat achieve one of its goals by getting the attention, albeit negative, of the international community.