Nuclear Regulatory Commission

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The Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nuclear physicist Alvin M. Weinberg told the Senate's Special Committee on Atomic Energy in December 1945: "Atomic power can cure as well as kill. It can fertilize and enrich a region as well as devastate it. It can widen man's horizons as well as force him back into the cave." The Atomic Energy Act of 1946 was passed with the intention of using potential peaceful benefits of atomic power. However, the act emphasized …

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…Dr. J. Samuel, "A Short History of Nuclear Regulation, 1946-1999", NUREG/BR-0175 Rev. 1, Office of the Secreatary, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Homepage, Internet site,, Atomic Energy Commission Internet site, Department of Energy Internet site, Atomic Energy Act and Related Legislation Internet site, . Energy Reoganization Act