Nuclear Chemistry and Nuclear Weapons

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Nuclear Chemistry and Nuclear Weapons The field of nuclear chemistry is so broad and varied that there is no universally accepted definition for it. This is because it is a subject, with its origins springing from areas such as physics, biology, and chemistry. Nuclear chemistry has contributed to numerous important discoveries in our knowledge of the nucleus and has also provided advancements in medicine and the use of nuclear weapons. We use nuclear chemistry in …

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…than 20 years China has had stolen secret information on every nuclear weapon in the United States arsenal enabling Beijing to build missiles capable of reaching America. Arnold Kanter, a senior fellow at the Washington-based Forum for International Policy, said that the Chinese have two dozen nuclear warheads in comparison to the Untied States' more than 6,000. Even so the threat of nuclear war is a scary thought because of the power and capability of these weapons.