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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Conflict of the Un-Civilized The Native Americans were viewed, by the settlers, as a savage and uncivilized race; however, due to the ruthlessness towards the Indians and later the blacks, the settlers proved themselves more savage than either race. First the terms savage and civilized must be properly defined. Civilized and civilization refer to two different aspects. Civilized refers to a person or persons that are characterized by taste, refinement or restraint (Merriam-Webster's). Civilization …

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…prove themselves more savage than they saw the Indians, and no term can describe how inhumane and unjust the treatment of the blacks. The white man saw the Indians as savages due to their undeveloped ways, and the blacks were seen lesser due to their skin color. As the perspective of savagery changed, the white man turned out to be the savage because they refused to learn and see through the eyes of other cultures.